Living Trees Press

More than just a good story.  Books from Living Trees Press are thought-provoking adventures.

BOOKS by Clyde Sutton

Lestze has been sent with a few companions to trail and observe a superior invasion force and reluctantly finds himself in charge of guarding a captured enemy. As he comes to know Atawhai, they begin to understand the larger calamity that is befalling both their peoples.
William traces the ordeal of an American army veteran whose unusual abilities have attracted the interest of military authorities. We follow William as he flees a covert US Army experimental facility and, in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, is hunted by shadowy operatives.
Coming soon..A celtic New Zealand adventure for young adults, or just the young at heart. The Silent Wizard and his sons set out on a journey when he realises that something is very wrong in the kingdom.


An insightful commentary on modern culture which encourages the reader to rethink their priorities without once sermonizing.
The Living Trees shines a light on destructive thought patterns and beliefs we appear to all hold without having consciously chosen and illustrates how what we think will bring us happiness is in fact the source of much of humanity’s suffering. The author packages all this food for thought in a compelling narrative which will keep you reading right to the end.

As a species, humans are destroying the very planet that gives them life, and at an alarming rate. This novel contains the wake-up call we need. If you read one book this year, make this it 

Tracy Phua

Literary translator

As a lifelong student of Aikido, I always approach fiction novels that reference “my” art with a certain degree of trepidation, so often have I seen it either misunderstood, misrepresented, or both.
Clyde Sutton achieves something admirable here; an exciting, thriller with great momentum that touches upon the “Super Hero” genre without relying upon the reader to have to suspend belief in either physics or reality. Our heroes are in many way just ordinary people thrown into an extraordinary situation, and for me that is what makes this work so well, and there are some really intelligent observations upon the nature of Self, Intention and indeed what we perceive as Reality.

Next time you are in the airport lounge and wondering what to read by the pool, I’d nudge this to the top of the list. 

Dunken FranciS

Chief Instructor, Institute of Aikido International


Clyde Sutton from New Zealand

Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers...Voltaire

Clyde has always loved reading Sci-fi and started writing his first book ‘William’ in his thirties.  It took twenty years to complete while Clyde juggled raising two sons, gained a Masters degree in Materials Process Engineering, trained in Structural Integration bodywork and then worked full-time as a teacher at a local high school.  Through these experiences, Clyde has developed a deep understanding of the internal human struggle which shines through in the compassionate way in his books which speak to people of all ages and backgrounds. 

C.L. Sutton

Book Author, Head Sensei Aikido Musubi Ryu.

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